Stand Design
Digital Print
Furniture Rent
Screen Rental
Hostess Rental

How We Work

A Fair Stand has to go through several different stages before reaching its final appearance.

Stage 1: Understanding Participants’ Wants/Needs

-The first ball here is with the customer. If he knows clearly what he wants, we will let them know in what price ranges the style of stand he wants can be priced. If the customer’s response is positive, it is our job to score the goal. If he does not know clearly what he wants, we need the support of the 2nd stage.

Stage 2: Determining the Budget

– It is possible to make dozens of drawings and offers for a fair stand. There are many, many options here. Neither we nor the customers have this much time. For this we need to know an average budget. If the customer does not want to tell the budget at all, we give him estimated prices based on sample stands, so we can move on to the 3rd stage, which is specific to the customer.

Stage 3: Creating Stand Design and Pricing

-In line with the information we receive from the 1st or 2nd stages, our Architects prepare special Designs for each customer and arrangements are made based on request.

Stage 4: Written Contract

-Nothing should remain just in words.
We are ready to sign all our promises. It is no problem for us to sign the penalty articles under our own responsibilities. (There won’t be any need anyway)

Now you can sit back and enjoy our professionalism. Spend your time on your own business. Let each man do his own thing.
